How to Build Trust While Working With Remote Software Engineers

How to Build Trust While Working With Remote Software Engineers

Trust is paramount in any working environment. Remote software engineers are no exception. Employers don’t trust employees who work remotely and any business that wants positive metrics regarding productivity has to build trust with employees. Lack of trust in the workplace can sabotage engagement, productivity, and retention. In a survey by Edelman Trust Barometer, 1 […]

How to Build a Remote-First Culture for Your Software Engineering Teams

How to Build a Remote-First Culture for Your Software Engineering Teams

In this article you will discover how to build a remote-first culture for your software engineering teams. In the current business landscape, remote working is becoming increasingly common. Many companies recognize the advantages of allowing their software engineering teams to work remotely. But it’s not enough to let your software engineering teams work from home […]

Top Tools for Your African Remote Software Developers and Engineers

Top Tools for Your African Remote Software Developers and Engineers

Are you looking for the right tools to help your African remote software developers and engineers ? There are various options available, each with its benefits and drawbacks.  In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the top tools available for African remote software developers and engineers. so you can make an informed decision on […]

How to Effectively Communicate with Your Remote Software Engineering Team

How to Effectively Communicate with Your Remote Software Engineering Team

In this blog post we’ll discuss how to effectively communicate with your Remote software engineering team. The success of any software engineering project relies heavily on effective communication between all involved parties. It is especially true for projects with remote teams, where in-person meetings and interactions are impossible. As such, managers must have strategies to […]

How to Set Up A Payroll System For Remote Teams

How to Set Up A Payroll System For Remote Teams

In this article we’ll share tips on how to set up a payroll system for remote teams. The covid 19 brought significant changes to the future of work. Before the pandemic, only 17% of United states employees worked remotely for five days. The number quickly spiked during the pandemic to hit 44% of American working […]

6 Reliable Ways to Manage a Remote Team in a Crisis

Reliable Ways to Manage a Remote Team in a Crisis

In this article we’ll explore 6 reliable ways to manage a remote team in a crisis strategies for keeping during challenging times. The world has experienced a seismic shift to remote work in the last several months due to the global pandemic. Many organizations have had to figure out how to manage their teams virtually […]

How to Measure Your Remote Software Engineers’ Performance and Productivity

How to Measure Your Remote Software Engineers’ Performance and Productivity

How do you measure your remote software engineers’ performance and productivity. Remote software engineers are dedicated and hardworking. They labor through the nights, writing an endless line of codes and fixing never-ending bugs. They play an essential role in the technology ecosystem. To Measure your remote software engineers’ performance and productivity can take time and […]

Secure File Transfer Tips for Remote Teams

Secure File Transfer Tips for Remote Teams

The work dynamics have changed from the traditional office setting to flexible remote working. As more employees embrace the changes to work, security threats lie ahead. How secure are your files in transit? Many businesses have had to endure losses due to data breaches on their systems. There are many risks involved when sharing data […]

How to Handle Underperforming Remote Software Engineers

Remote developers work in unsupervised environments. Due to the nature of their job, you might encounter cases of underperformance.

Remote developers work in unsupervised environments. Due to the nature of their job, you might encounter cases of underperformance. How do you handle underperforming remote software engineers? Do you replace the underperforming software engineers? Research indicates that positive reinforcement, such as appreciation and Motivation, drives the morale of employees to do better in the workplace. […]

7 Pro Tips On Managing Remote Software Engineering Teams In Africa

7 Pro Tips On Managing Remote Software Engineering Teams In Africa

In this article, we’ll share 7 pro tips on managing remote software engineering teams in Africa because recruiting a proficient remote engineering team is one thing; managing it is another. It’s never easy to synchronize people situated halfway across the globe. Get it right, and reap a ton of benefits. These include competitive rates and […]