
How to Handle Underperforming Remote Software Engineers

Remote developers work in unsupervised environments. Due to the nature of their job, you might encounter cases of underperformance.

How do you handle underperforming remote software engineers? Do you replace the underperforming software engineers?

Research indicates that positive reinforcement, such as appreciation and Motivation, drives the morale of employees to do better in the workplace.

Handling underperforming remote software is never a walk in the park. Here are practical tips how to handle underperforming remote software engineers:

  • Identify the Root Cause

Research and studies indicate that when you get the root cause, you’re halfway to solving the problem. The method has worked since time immemorial for companies and governments.

Always handle the problem from the root. Many businesses tend to look at the current problem and ignore the underlying root cause.

For instance, your remote developers might have health or family issues, causing delays and affecting their performance. As a business owner, you need to get the backstory first.

Once you’ve identified the root cause, you can solve the underperformance issue and improve the productivity and performance of your remote team.

  • Discuss Solutions to the Problem

After identifying the root cause, move swiftly to discuss the solution. Remember, your business is facing low productivity and needs everything on track.

For example, if your remote developer is facing health issues, you might suggest they take some time off work to recover.

Studies shows that solving a problem earlier prevents a pile-up of more problems (it’s like repairing the first leak in a dam). You can involve the rest of the team if the problem seems more complex but always strive to find a solution early enough.

  • Provide Appropriate Training

Your remote software engineers might be underperforming due to brain drain. Like other careers, developers also face creativity block.

When the performance of your A-team starts declining, it’s time to offer specialized training.

Special training can includes:

  • New ways and software to fix bugs
  • Advanced tools to track your performance
  • Ways to remain creative and focused

Your remote developers need training once in a while to catch up on the ever-changing technology dynamics.

Ensure you’re constantly monitoring them to know when they need more training.

  • Communicate Regularly

Communication has always been at the core of productivity in a business. Studies indicate that companies that execute effective communication within the workplace report more productivity.

Your remote developers might be lagging because you don’t communicate. You should set clear goals and get in touch to enquire about the project’s progress and whether there are any obstacles or questions.

Keeping your remote developers in constant communication makes them deliver on time, thus improving their productivity.

  • Motivate Your Remote Developers

From children in school to employees in the office and back to a team of remote developers, Motivation works like a charm. When you motivate your remote employees, they feel appreciated and have a sense of belonging.

Next time you face underperformance from your remote software engineers, motivate and appreciate them, and you’ll mostly see an improvement in their productivity.

The Bottom Line

Remote developers are flexible, and sometimes the freedom might cause underperformance. When performance levels decline, you must act fast to save your business.

Handling underperforming remote software engineers can take time and effort. To pull your remote developers back to action, start by identifying the problem behind the underperformance, discussing the solutions with the team, providing appropriate training, communicating regularly, and motivating your remote developers.