
Here’s Why Remote Software Engineers Are More Productive

68% of remote developers are more productive working from home. In contrast, 32% say they’re more productive when working from a physical office. So, what makes remote software developers more productive?

Software engineering involves collecting data and writing and testing code. It’s more of solitary work that only requires a little collaboration. Due to the nature of their work, we have seen increased non-us developers in job pools, e.g., remote African software engineers.

Here’s why remote software engineers are more productive.

  • Fewer Distractions

Distractions are almost unavoidable in workplaces, from the storytellers to unlimited tea breaks. In the long run, the distractions cost businesses millions to keep running because of lower productivity rates.

A recent survey indicates that 75% of developers would love to work from home. Over 60% work remotely full-time, while 75% work three or more days remotely weekly.

Remote software engineers are exceptional; their production rates are consistently high, thanks to fewer distractions. When developers are in a quiet conducive environment, they tend to concentrate more for extended periods.

Conducive and silent environments are building blocks for effective information retention. Remote developers enjoy such a serene environment. That’s why their productivity is always above the ceiling.

  • Flexibility

Remote software engineers are more flexible. In a relaxed work environment, employees can work at a time when their proactive levels are pretty high. Physical office set-ups will mostly not offer such opportunities because they have strict business hours.

Remote software engineers can work on their most productive hours. For example, statistics indicate that 38 % of remote African Software engineers work for companies outside Africa. As a result, remote developers can write codes during their most productive hours (daytime or night). They’re able to achieve flexibility due to differences in time zones.

Flexibility comes in for other global remote software developers working from their homes. There’s no time to clock in or out. All they have to do is complete their jobs on time; thus, their production rate is immense.

  • Better Tools for the Job

Better tools enhance productivity. Lack of the right tools in the workplace leads to delays and losses. Remote software engineers have access to:

  • Time tracking tools such as Gantt charts or ZoomShift
  • Communication tools such as Slack, emails, etc.
  • Productivity and collaboration  tools such as Asana, Trello

Productivity tools limit distractions, save time and simplify complex tasks. For instance, you can track your progress when performing a task with time-tracking tools. You can always expect positive results if remote developers have the right tools.

Software engineers use state-of-the-art and efficient tools to achieve better results. Writing codes, fixing bugs, and troubleshooting software require powerful tools and dedication.

Remote software engineers can outsmart fellow developers in a physical office setup due to the availability of better tools at their disposal. There’s ample time to test and learn about the tools and quick turnaround results.


Remote software engineers work in a familiar and conducive environment. The productivity rate will likely go up when working in a stress-free environment. Some reasons remote software engineers are productive include fewer distractions, flexibility, and better tools for the job.

Next time you read a statistic about remote software engineers’ high productivity rate, be sure they are more flexible and happy with their work environment.