
Global Challenges When Recruiting Developers in 2023

According to Statista, the primary challenge faced by recruiters in 2023 when hiring developers will be finding qualified candidates, with 12.36 percent of recruiters struggling with conducting technical interviews.

Finding and recruiting talented developers is a critical challenge for organizations worldwide.

With rapid technological advancements and increasing demand for software solutions across industries, the competition for skilled developers has intensified.

In this article, we will explore the global challenges faced by companies in recruiting developers in 2023, supported by relevant statistics.

What are the global challenges when recruiting developers in 2023?

Talent Shortage

One of the most pressing challenges in recruiting developers is the scarcity of qualified candidates. As demand for tech talent continues to surpass supply, companies often find themselves competing for a limited pool of skilled developers.

Moreover, approximately 56.44% of recruiters claim that finding qualified developers is their biggest challenge. This shortage can result in prolonged hiring processes and increased competition, making it harder to secure the best talent for your organization.

Increasing Competition Among Employers

The scarcity of skilled developers has led to fierce competition among employers to attract and retain top talent.

To entice these highly sought-after professionals, companies must go beyond competitive salaries.

Perks like remote work options, flexible schedules, professional development opportunities, and a positive work culture have become crucial factors in securing top talent.

Evolving Technology and Skill Requirements

The technology landscape is ever-evolving, with new programming languages, frameworks, and tools emerging frequently.

Staying up-to-date with these advancements and identifying candidates with the desired skills can be a significant challenge for recruiters.

The demand for specialized skills like artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and cybersecurity further adds to the complexity of finding the right candidates.

Diversity and Inclusion in Tech

Women and ethnic minorities have historically been underrepresented in the tech sector. Despite efforts to close the gender gap, women account for around 29% of all functions in technology businesses as of 2021, with ethnic minorities accounting for approximately 22%.

However, women and ethnic minorities are still underrepresented in technological teams, including cybersecurity teams, where they account for only about 12%.

The vast majority of developers in the 2022 global software developer survey are male, accounting for 91.88% of all respondents. Female developers made up only 5% of all respondents, highlighting the male-dominated nature of software development jobs.

This gender and ethnic disparity makes it difficult for recruiters to build diverse and balanced teams. To attract and retain female tech professionals and ethnic minorities, organizations must build a supportive and inclusive environment that empowers them to flourish.

Remote Work and Distributed Workforce

The COVID-19 pandemic has revolutionized the way we work, and the tech industry is no exception.

Remote work has become the new norm, opening up opportunities for global recruitment. Companies can tap into a vast talent pool of developers worldwide, breaking down geographical barriers.

In fact, a survey by GitLab revealed that 82% of developers believe remote work is the future.

Therefore Recruiters must adapt to this trend by leveraging remote recruitment strategies and fostering cross-cultural collaboration.

While remote work offers benefits such as access to a global talent pool and increased flexibility, it also brings its own set of challenges.

Managing and effectively collaborating with remote developers requires robust communication tools, clear workflows, and the ability to foster a cohesive team culture, which can be demanding for organizations.


Recruiting developers in 2023 presents a range of global challenges for organizations.

The shortage of skilled professionals, increasing competition among employers, evolving technology requirements, the need for diversity and inclusion, and managing a remote workforce are key challenges faced by companies worldwide.

To overcome these challenges, organizations must adopt proactive strategies such as upskilling existing employees, building strong employer branding, promoting diversity and inclusion, and adapting to remote work arrangements.

In addition, by staying informed about industry trends, embracing innovative recruitment practices, and creating inclusive environments, companies can enhance their chances of attracting and retaining the best developer in this highly competitive landscape.

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