
7 Tips for Training Remote Software Engineers From Africa

Since COVID-19, the demand for remote employees has continued to rise, according to Career Explorer. In this article, we’ll share 7 tips for training remote software engineers from Africa.

As of now, we are yet to settle on what the best remote training model practices are. The reason is that each company or organization needs a unique training model. 

All in all, some pointers stand out from the proposed remote employee training models.

Here are 7 tips for training remote software engineers from Africa to ensure a seamless training experience:

1. Rely on Technology

Technology plays a central role in enabling virtual workspaces. Fortunately, there exists a vast cornucopia of intuitive tools for real-time collaborations.

Platforms like Zoom and Hangouts by Google allow real-time partnerships with remote teams. 

There are hundreds of other free or paid tools for screen sharing, taking screenshots, or sharing training files.

These technological tools make setting up and launching your remote training more accessible, faster, and cheaper.

2. Set Realistic Goals

Adopt a training model that has time-specific goals.

That allows you to set realistic expectations for the trainees.

The employees deserve some space and time to process the new information.

After introducing a new concept, give the trainees time to internalize it. Proceed when you’re 100% sure every team member is up to speed.

3. Offer Training Incentives

Get creative with your training.

Offer rewards to entice the trainees to stay motivated through the process. You can offer cash, gift certificates, or even a certificate to those who complete the courses.

These incentives speed up the process. They also show that you recognize the trainee’s effort.

4. Advance Scheduling works

Inform everyone of any upcoming training sessions a day or two beforehand.

Send an invite detailing the purpose of the upcoming training session.

The invitation should note down the time and date for the scheduled meetings.

5. Make Training Resources Accessible

Due to the conflicting time zones, some members may miss out on a live training session.

Therefore, make sure that all the training material gets achieved. Share out the links to these resources with the entire team. That way, you can always review the training in your spare time.

6. Create Brief Mobile-Friendly Content

Break down the training information into bits. This strategy makes the process enjoyable and quicker. Ensure that the courses are mobile-ready.

That way, the virtual freelancers can return to the lessons even when mobile.

7. Test Trainees Regularly

After a while, you can test your trainees to assess their progress.

Ask them questions to gauge their understanding of the learned concepts.

Give out impromptu quizzes to the participants.

Also, you can request the workers to act as a trainer and teach their colleagues what they’ve learned so far.


Encourage your employees to train by reminding them of the importance of the process.

As a trainer, you must convince them that the training makes their jobs easy.

Training remote employees can be challenging. For instance, the Internet or VPN may fail halfway through the presentations. 

Use the proper delivery methods to overcome these hurdles. Keep track of your Trainee’s progress by testing them with quizzes and questions.