
7 Benefits of Hiring Remote African Software Engineers

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations worldwide have undergone significant transformations, adapting to the new normal of remote work.

This paradigm shift has change the way businesses approach hiring practices, with many opting to scale down their in-house staff and embrace the flexibility and advantages offered by remote workers.

As a result, various industries have experienced profound impacts, and one sector that has particularly embraced this trend is the software engineering industry.

Software engineering companies have recognized the immense benefits of recruiting remote talent, leading them to explore new avenues and consider hiring software engineers from previously untapped regions.

That brings us to the million-dollar question: should your company hire remote software engineers from Africa? 

This article will examine the 7 benefits of hiring remote African software engineers.

An Overview 

Today, software companies are delighted that they no longer have to go through the rigors of hiring in-house developers. With remote workers, these companies only pay for the hours logged in or worked. 

The software firms pay fewer taxes to their home government; employers don’t require costly business licenses or permits. The reduced operational costs equal better profits for your company. Furthermore, operating with a remote software development team helps your company to meet its targets and objectives quickly.

These employers need only partner with HR firms to access a divergent talent pool of affordable yet quality African developers. It only takes a fraction of the time to onboard a proficient remote worker. This option saves the hiring companies from the stress of investing in expensive office equipment for the staff. 

Here are 7 benefits of hiring remote African software engineers in your organizations:

  1. Competitive rates

Whereas a seasoned coder from the US will charge you close to $50 per hour, according to ZipRecruiter, you can readily score a hardcore African programmer for as little as $10 per hour.

Imagine the savings you can reek in at the end of the year.

That leaves your organization with extra funds that way, your enterprise grows faster than a company that only hires locals.

With a good HR firm, you’ll be able to quickly get the most competitively priced programmers from Nigeria, Kenya, or any other African nation. 

The lower rates do not mean that the Africans deliver substandard work. No, this is based on the cost of living in many African countries.

  1. Flexibility

Remote workers allow companies to be versatile. The freelancers clock in anytime from their destinations, ensuring the business has a flexible operation schedule.

Adopting remote culture helps organizations to focus on what’s essential, like attracting new clients. Furthermore, research has shown that flexible work options improve productivity within an organization.

Employers who have embraced this work culture also have more freedom. They get to spend more time with their families instead of being stuck in an office. 

It is equally important to note that companies with a remote job culture are also environmentally friendly. After all, the employees do not need the daily commutes to the office and back.

  1. Continuous Workflow

Working with remote software developers from Africa is a huge plus for your business since you operate around the clock.

Africa’s time zones alternate with those in the western world, which means you get maximum productivity. The tasks you assign the developers during the daytime will get done as you sleep.

African time zones also overlap with those in the western world. That provides an ideal window for you to hold virtual meetings and catch up on any arising issues with your remote African coders.

Having workers distributed in different geographic locations leads to an uninterrupted workflow. This undisrupted flow increases your profit margins.

  1. Motivated Employees

High employee morale is another advantage of hiring remote software developers from Africa. Remote workers often have high morale for the job. The freelancers only accept a job that rhymes with their work and life balance. 

That way, your company gets a high staff retention rate. It is more frustrating than having a high staff attrition rate at your company. You keep going back to look for replacements, which costs money and uses valuable time for your company.

  1. Divergent Talent Pool

Hiring remote workers allows software companies to tap into a diversified talent pool. Employers get the latitude to recruit talents outside their geographical locations. 

Having remote staff from different areas introduces rich diversity. It also leads to a more inclusive company culture.

Software companies collaborate with HR firms to recruit the perfect African candidates. You can select coders from South Africa, Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, or Morocco.

  1. Language Compatibility

 A significant percentage of countries in this continent are conversant with English. You will also find other international language speakers in this region. These include Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Arabic.

Such constraints are capable of impeding the seamless flow of work. Having African programmers fluent in different international languages positions you for more opportunities.

  1. Workplace Diversification

In the next 30 years or so, the population of Africa is expected to double and hit 2.5 billion nearly, according to the Economist.

Moreover, the continent churns out about 12 million graduates annually. This talent pool from different parts of Africa allows you to onboard diverse employees with unique ideas. 

Different people coming up with diverse ideas leads to accelerated decision-making. This diversity helps your company to meet its corporate agenda as well.

Final Thoughts on Remote Developer Jobs For Africans

As we’ve seen, the demand for skilled African developers is more than a fad. The remote work culture trend is the new norm. Digitization has wholly erased the constraints of physical borders, and After all, remote teams allow businesses to operate around the clock.

That’s why more global companies are leveraging remote work to increase productivity. Working with African developers also lowers operational costs significantly. Despite their friendly rates, African developers are well-endowed with the necessary skills. They can deliver similar, if not better, work output with their global peers. Finally, Virtual staff is often more motivated and likely to stay with your company longer.